Monday, 28 September 2009

Does it need a title?

This is leading on from Ursula's question in class. What is philosophical? I am having problems writing this philosophy blog entry. My first problem is that it is hard to be “philoosophical” when you have to. I find that my philosophical nature is something that comes to me, when I don't think about it. My next problem is to figure out what is actually philosophical and what are just random thoughts. What is required for something to be philosophical I am wondering. Does it have to say something bigger about life? And humanity? I have a lot of good ideas! Writing about cleaning up, today's college meeting about forced cultural sharing, about small talk, but it doesn't seem to have enough depth, it doesn't seem important enough. My life doesn't seem to be that important enough to be out there, on the big net.
And would you look at that, philosophy came to be in the shape of existentialist thoughts when I wasn't even trying.

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