Friday, 18 December 2009

The Cold War MUWCI edition.

I had a weird experience the other day in Global Affairs the other day. The session was about fire arms. And it seems that the majority of people here was for having an army to protect the country. It makes them feel safer knowing that the country can protect you if someone will attack. Opinions like “they” have weapons so we need to have them as well were voiced. It was concerning to me so I raised the point that these opinions will just create another Cold Was, whereto the response was, “What was so bad about the Cold War? It is not like anyone were killed and it was a time of economic development.”

A few things that was wrong with the Cold War. The fear, my mother told me that she feared this even though Denmark in no way was a player in this game. I have heard sources saying that it was only, because the game was played well that the Cuba crisis didn’t set everything on fire. And then just the minor thing that so many arms were created, that even today we can blow up earth multiple times.

The justification for having weapons that the others have them, raised especially of a lot of Indians is absurd. Not to be cliché, but as Jesus said turn the other cheek. In the school yard if a dispute develops it only escalates, because if the fact that there is two parties. If you don’t fight back it wont develop. It is amazing in a country like India that is founded on Gandhi’s principals of non-violence that opinions are so evident.

And what makes you safer with your country having weapons, I mean there is not a smaller chance of you getting shot just because you have a gun.

I am scared if we are the future leaders of the world, because I see small things happening all the time here that just escalates the unfairness. Like a certain roommate of mine’s juice was stolen from the fridge, which is unfair of course, but what he did was even more unfair, he just went and stole some else’s. Ihhh ihhh ihhh.

Isn’t it a bit too progressive for a UWC student? Shouldn’t we be a bit more ideological? How the fuck do we sustain peace in an arms race?

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